Urban Greening Strategy for metro Adelaide

Bringing people together to make a practical plan to increase tree canopy, cool the city and boost biodiversity.

For Adelaide’s urban environment to thrive, we need a roadmap for increasing tree canopy, cooling the city and boosting biodiversity.

The strategy brings together state agencies, metropolitan councils, nongovernment organisations, industry peak bodies, research institutions, Kaurna and the broader community to achieve a greener, more liveable city.

All sectors and public and private landowners across metropolitan Adelaide have an important role to play in greening our city.

By joining forces – having shared priorities and delivering complementary activities – we will grow our tree canopy, cool our city and boost biodiversity.

Click here to have your say on the draft Urban Greening Strategy for metro Adelaide.

How is it being developed?

We are developing the Urban Greening Strategy for Metropolitan Adelaide in stages:

Current: Stage 3 – Public consultation on the draft

We are seeking feedback on the actions of the draft Urban Greening Strategy and the potential opportunities for collaboration and implementation.

We encourage all community members and organisations who deliver, influence or are interested in urban greening to contribute their thoughts to inform the final strategy.

The draft Urban Greening Strategy is available to read and provide feedback for 8-weeks from 30 April until 28 June 2024. Get involved at YourSAy.

Stage 2 – Drafting and stakeholder engagement: 2022-24

We have carried out a cross-sector collaboration with a range of practitioners to help develop the strategy and determine how best to work together to implement it.

Read the Discussion Paper (PDF | 5.01MB), Greening Adelaide Leaders Event and Summit Report (PDF | 3MB ) and Development Sector Round Table Report (PDF | 1 MB) on the outcomes.

Cross-sector technical working groups were also set up on the topics of urban biodiversity, urban heat, tree canopy, policy and green open space to inform the strategy.

Stage 1 – Scoping and early engagement: 2021-22

We have undertaken a literature review, practitioner survey and early stakeholder engagement to better understand who is working on urban greening in metro Adelaide, what they are doing, the critical gaps and what kind of strategy would work best.

We are also building on recent consultation on this important topic, including the development of Green Adelaide's Regional Landscape Plan (PDF | 3.34 MB).

For further details, download the Stage 1: Scoping and Early Engagement Summary Report (PDF | 2.73 MB).


Metropolitan Adelaide has almost 17% tree canopy cover, but this isn’t evenly distributed across our suburbs.

Tree canopy and other plants cool our city, provides mental and physical health benefits for our population, and provides homes for native animals.

Urban temperatures are predicted to increase, so it’s even more important that we grow a healthy and diverse urban forest to ensure that Adelaide stays liveable and cool.

Saving and increasing greenery relies on not just a love for trees and green spaces, but also legislation, policy, capacity-building and coordination to protect and enhance it. That is what this new strategy aims to do.

Everyone has a different, but important, role to play in greening our city.