Our plans and reports

Browse our business plans and reports.

Regional Landscape Plan

Our Regional Landscape Plan sets our strategic direction between 2021 and 2026. The plan was developed over 6 months of extensive consultation between November 2020 and April 2021.

Download a copy of our Regional Landscape Plan (PDF | 5.0 MB).

You can read about the consultation on our Regional Landscape Plan in the Consultation Report (PDF | 3.3 MB) or visit our YourSAY webpage.

Community and stakeholder feedback is available to read in the appendices document (PDF | 5 MB).

Annual Business Plan

Our Regional Landscape Plan is supported by an annual business plan, which sets out our proposed expenditure across a range of projects and programs for one financial year.

Download our 2024-25 Annual Business Plan (PDF | 2 MB).

Highlights Report

Our Highlights Report links with our annual business plans and reports and showcase our success stories to create a cooler, greener and wilder city.

Download our 2022-23 Highlights Report (PDF | 6 MB).

Our plans and reports

View historical reports in our archives.