Privacy Policy

Privacy statement

This privacy statement sets out Green Adelaide’s policy in relation to the privacy of your personal information when you visit the departments website. This statement details what information Green Adelaide collects when the website is visited and how that information is stored and used.

Data automatically collected

When you visit the Green Adelaide website, the following details are automatically recorded:

  • your IP address
  • the date and time of your visit
  • the pages you access
  • the documents you download
  • the country from which you are visiting (as determined by the suffix of your domain name)
  • the previous site visited
  • the type of browser you use.

Green Adelaide also collects the keywords used when you do a search using the Internet site search function. Keywords are also collected when you visit our websites via an external search engine such as Google, Yahoo or AltaVista. This information is not linked to any other data collected. Green Adelaide uses this information to find out what people are looking for and how we can improve our services.

These statistics tell the agency how the site is being used and assist in improving the site to make visits useful and enjoyable. This information does not identify you personally and no attempt is made to identify you except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service provider's logs.

Collection of personal information

Email addresses

Green Adelaide will only record your email address if you send us a message by email or you include it in an online form. It will only be used to send you a reply and will not be added to a mailing list or used for any other purpose without your consent. Email addresses are stored in secure systems and will only be forwarded to appropriate staff members so they can answer your query.

If you make a request to be added to a mailing list, you will only be added to the mailing list specified. Only your name (if supplied) and your email address will be recorded. If you wish to change your details or be removed from the list at any time, please follow the instructions included in any email received through the mailing list.

Other websites

Green Adelaide’s website contains links to a number of other websites that are included on the basis that they contain related content. When a user clicks on a link to another site, they leave the website and are no longer protected by the South Australia Government privacy conditions.

Freedom of Information

Members of the public can apply to access their own personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, 1991 which includes a right to apply to correct personal information that is out of date, incorrect or misleading.

Privacy guidelines

This privacy statement will be continually reviewed in line with the ongoing development of the website. This privacy statement complies with the guidelines set out in the South Australian Government's Information Privacy Principles.

Social Media Terms of Use

While Green Adelaide welcomes questions and relevant commentary on our social media pages, we expect users to be respectful of the site and other users.

Green Adelaide reserves the right to remove any content that does not comply with our Social Media Policy Terms of Use. This includes comments, replies or direct messages that:

  • abuse, harass or threaten others
  • contain misleading, deceptive, false, defamatory or libellous content
  • could be considered prejudicial, racist or inflammatory
  • are considered spam
  • impersonate or falsely represent a person or entity
  • infringe on the intellectual property rights of others
  • promote sale of products or services for any commercial purpose unless you have our written consent to do so
  • contain personal information (email addresses, phone numbers or private addresses).

Following and sharing

Green Adelaide may like, share or re-publish content outside of our regular portfolio. This does not constitute endorsement of content.

Similarly, we may choose to follow other organisations or individuals. Being followed by Green Adelaide social media channels does not imply endorsement of any kind.

Link shortening

Unless they are already very short Green Adelaide may shorten Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) with commonly-used link compressing services, such as Bitly or Hootsuite’s


In accordance with South Australian Government State Records Act 1997 and The Archives Act 1983 all social media content will be recorded and archived, as part of legislative requirements for Government of South Australia record keeping.


The information provided through Green Adelaide media accounts is presented by the department for the purpose of disseminating information for the benefit of the public.

While all efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, the department does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material provided via our social media accounts.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

By following or posting to Green Adelaide social media accounts, including comments or messages, you are adhering to these terms of use.

Any repeated violations to our Social Media Policy Terms of Use will result in the user being blocked or banned from accessing Green Adelaide managed social media accounts.