Grassroots Grants

$1 million dollars in funding will be available for projects to improve metropolitan SA’s environment in Round 6 of our Grassroots Grants, opening soon.

Grassroots Grants round 6 is opening soon.

Our Grassroots Grants are available each year to help community groups, sporting groups, clubs, schools and more transform their local environments. The grants fund a range of activities in metropolitan SA, from plantings on your site to greening shared spaces, replacing hard surfaces, weed control, research, habitat restoration and more.

In round 5, $1.2 million was awarded. You can read the announcement or see all past recipients.

Round 6 of our Grassroots Grants will open soon.

To prepare for your application, review our previous round's Grassroots Grants guidelines. Note, these are updated each round.

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Want some inspiration for your next green vision? Check out our grant stories.

Other regions

Each region manages their own Grassroots Grants program. You can find quick links to each of the Landscape Boards' Grassroots Grants on the Landscape SA website.