We're working towards a cooler, greener, wilder and more climate-resilient metropolitan South Australia that celebrates our unique culture.

We are South Australia's first government urban environmental organisation.

Our work is unique as it delivers environmental outcomes amidst urbanisation, and embeds Kaurna traditional practices in delivery.

Our area of responsibility spans across Adelaide’s 17 metropolitan councils and includes about a third of Gulf St Vincent.

Read our commitment to connecting with you (PDF | 1.6MB).

How we started

We were established as part of the 2019 South Australian natural resources management reform, and the introduction of the Landscape South Australia Act 2019.

How we are funded

Landscape and water levies are our primary sources of funding.

The landscape levy is collected from ratepayers by metropolitan councils, and the water levy is collected from water licence holders in metropolitan Adelaide.

Working with Kaurna people and Country

We acknowledge and respect the traditional owners of metropolitan Adelaide, the Kaurna Miyurna (Kaurna people), and are committed to strengthening relationships with them through our partnership with Warpulai Kumangka (meaning ‘working together’).

Warpulai Kumangka is a high level strategic advisory group to us at Green Adelaide.

The group provides guidance on environmental and cultural matters. This collaboration is an innovative, world-leading model for cultural engagement in the environmental sector and strengthens shared visions for the future.

We work with Warpulai Kumangka to build capacity in the community and raise awareness of Kaurna cultural knowledge, values and lore. Through this capacity building, we strive to embed Kaurna Cultural Practices and land management methods in environmental projects and activities that are happening on Kaurna Yarta (Kaurna Country).

In addition, the chairs of all 9 of South Australia’s landscape boards have made a strong commitment to reconciliation and to strengthening partnerships with First Nations by signing an historic Statement of Commitment.

Kardalta Tarntanya artwork

Our cooler, greener and wilder vision is portrayed in a piece of art titled 'Kardalta Tarntanya' created by Kaurna artist Allan Sumner.

This artwork shows the importance of the relationships between the land, water, sea and biodiversity and people keeping each other healthy, thriving and connected.