Cooler, Greener, Wilder

Round 2 of our Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program for local governments has closed.

Round 2 of our Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program for local governments has closed.

A raindgarden and pond in tea tree gully with overlay text 'cooler, greener, wilder grants program'
City of Tea Tree Gully raingarden and pond

Our Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program for local governments provides support to Adelaide’s metropolitan councils to undertake projects that deliver greening outcomes, incorporate water sensitive urban design or biodiversity sensitive urban design principles.

One million dollars is available each round for councils in the Green Adelaide region to cool or green urban settings at a site, street or precinct scale. Grants of between $25,000 and $200,000 are available to local councils, with the expectation that recipients match any funding granted with an equal co-contribution.

What happens for Round 2

To look back on a detailed overview of the grants program, download and read our Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program Application Guidelines (PDF | 1.1MB). Please note there are new guidelines for each round.

Supporting materials

For tips on how to use SmartyGrants, read the administrative system’s Help Guide for Applicants and SmartyGrants frequently asked questions.

Find supportive information, including Round 2 and Round 1 recipients below.