Courses and events

We have a range of courses and events throughout the year to help you learn new nature skills, meet like-minded people and have a lot of fun.

Come and try volunteering in June!

Ever thought about environmental volunteering?

We support volunteer groups throughout metro SA, because they play a vital role in creating a cooler, greener, wilder Adelaide.

That’s why we’re teaming up with local groups in June to bring you events where you can meet them, try environmental volunteering, and see if it’s your thing.

See what events are on around you and book your spot to be an environmental champion for a day!

Save the date: FrogWatch SA Seasonal Census (self-guided)

From 1 to 8 June, we'll be holding the first ever FrogWatch SA Seasonal Census! It's a citizen science project calling on you to record frog calls in your area, and submit them through the FrogSpotter app or FrogWatch SA website. You can register with FrogWatch SA for free on their website.

Come and Try Enviro-volunteering at Burton Community Hub

Thursday 13 June, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

380 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton

Learn about how you can get involved up north and have a go at potting up some plants in the garden and take a tour of the Burton Community Hub.

Book your spot

Meet your Local Group in Adelaide

Saturday 15 June, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

The Joinery, 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide

This free session run by Green Adelaide and supported by the Adelaide Sustainability Centre will connect people, with local enviro-volunteer groups and explore the types of support and resources available for groups.

Attendees will hear from groups about their project sites and the types of volunteering opportunities available.

Light refreshments will be provided and an opportunity to meet fellow volunteers

Book your spot

Come and Try Enviro-volunteering in the northeast

Saturday 23 June, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Thomas Turner Reserve, Lachlan Ct, Valley View

In collaboration with the Friends of Dry Creek Trail volunteer group, hear about their great work and take part in their habitat building and maintenance working bee!

Book your spot

Keep an eye out for more events on this page and head to our Facebook page for upcoming courses, events and workshops from our partners.