We're developing metropolitan Adelaide’s first Urban Greening Strategy to protect Adelaide's mature trees, green spaces and urban biodiversity. Find out how we're developing this practical plan.

The strategy will bring together sectors, knowledge and resources to accelerate the greening of metropolitan Adelaide’s streets, open spaces and yards. It focuses on increasing tree canopy cover, reducing hard surfaces, meeting the urban green cover target of the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide and prioritising areas that are the most vulnerable to heat.

Green Adelaide Director Brenton Grear said, we know that green cover is declining in many neighbourhoods across metropolitan Adelaide, so it is vital that tree cover and quality green spaces are increased to help maintain our city’s liveability and biodiversity.

“This new and first strategy for Adelaide relies on cross-sector resourcing and collaboration to deliver a plan that can be implemented and result in a cooler, greener and wilder metropolitan Adelaide,” Mr Grear said.
Workshopping to make Adelaide greener

“By collaborating with all sectors who deliver, champion or influence urban greening, including state government, local government, industry peak bodies, research institutions, non-government organisations and Kaurna, we can accelerate Adelaide’s greening and improve biodiversity.

“We kicked off the development of the Urban Greening Strategy last year to scope the topic and we are now engaging with a range of stakeholders across different sectors to better understand key players, greening gaps and what kind of strategy would work best.

“The next steps are technical working group sessions and ‘think-tanks’ with experts in the field and an Industry Round Table, followed by the release of a draft strategy for public feedback by early 2023.”

Practitioner-focused Greening Summit on 23 May at Adelaide Zoo

A Greening Adelaide Leaders Event was held with more than 60 executives on 13 May to grow leadership in the field, followed by a practitioner-focused Greening Summit on 23 May attended by more than 70 professionals (representing 42 diverse organisations), who influence and deliver greening projects across metropolitan Adelaide. These partnerships are important to achieving long-lasting outcomes towards the greening of our city and suburbs.

Find out how to get involved at the project webpage.

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