Councils across the state can now apply for funding up to $200,000 to help plant more trees to keep local streets and open spaces green and cool, with the opening of a third round of the Greener Neighbourhoods grants program to coincide with National Tree Day (1 August).

Greener Neighbourhood Grants

Round three of the grants includes a total of $2 million of funding available for councils to green their neighbourhood. Since the grants began in 2019 more than $1.6 million has been invested in council greening projects.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said the grants have helped accelerate greening across metropolitan Adelaide for the local community and given nature a much-needed boost.

“We know greener suburbs have lower temperatures, better air and water quality and increased biodiversity and the Greener Neighbourhoods grants program will significantly boost the number of trees being planted across Adelaide,” Professor Daniels said.

“Thanks to these grants nearly 10,000 trees and shrubs are being planted across metropolitan Adelaide and with our recent multi-million-dollar expansion we will be supporting the planting of thousands more.

“Urban greening is an example of practical action to tackle climate change and provides important benefits for physical and mental health and wellbeing and improves the liveability of our suburbs.

“Greener Neighbourhoods Grants is a great example of practical on-ground greening partnerships between Green Adelaide and councils.

“Adelaide has just been ranked the third most liveable city in the world and programs such as this as well as our push to become a National Park City further enhances our growing global reputation as one of the safest and most attractive places in the world to live, work and raise a family.”

The Greener Neighbourhoods Grants is another way Green Adelaide is creating a cooler, greener and wilder Adelaide for everyone to enjoy .As well as reducing urban heat and increasing liveability, greening provides homes for animals, and supports people’s physical and mental health through a better connection with nature.

These council grants will also support and contribute to our journey to make Adelaide a National Park City. With this title, Adelaide will draw local, national and international awareness, focus and investment to become an even more liveable city.

Applications for the third round of the Greener Neighbourhoods Grants program are open from 1 August to 10 September 2021. Councils applying for funding must contribute at least 50 per cent of the project. Councils are able to apply for funding between $15,000 and $200,000.

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