SA's streets will be greener, cooler and more liveable thanks to almost $2 million of funding to support local tree planting projects. Find out more.

Round 3 of the Greener Neighbourhoods Grants program will see 16 projects worth $4.3 million in total receive funding towards the planting of thousands of extra trees on South Australian streets.

Green Adelaide Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said the Greener Neighbourhoods Grants program is assisting local councils to increase greenery and make our suburbs as well as regional areas more liveable, contributing to the climate-resilience and the health and wellbeing of local communities.

“This grant program has already seen nearly 10,000 trees and shrubs planted across metropolitan Adelaide and this new round of funding will see thousands more," he said.

Green Adelaide's Greener Neighbourhoods Grants funded nearly $1 million to 9 council projects in round 2 for 2020-21, and round 3 was expanded to include regional towns as well as metro Adelaide's suburbs and city.

Professor Daniels said the successful projects will increase urban green cover, reduce urban heat, create habitat for wildlife and generally improve the natural character and amenity of our built-up environments.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the popularity of our parks and other public open spaces and by increasing the amount of trees along streets and paths throughout our suburbs and regional cities we are making nature even more accessible as part of people’s everyday lives," Professor Daniels said.

“Adelaide has just been ranked the third most liveable city in the world as well as the second-ever National Park City and grant programs such as this will further enhance our growing global reputation as one of the safest and most attractive places in the world to live, work and raise a family.”

Visit the list of successful grants on our Greener Neighbourhoods Grants webpage.

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