Almost $1 million of funding has been awarded to local councils to support the planting of thousands of trees across Adelaide to keep suburban streets green and cool.

Nine projects across metropolitan Adelaide will share in $976,000 funding from Green Adelaide’s Greener Neighbourhoods Grants Program.

The Greener Neighbourhoods Grants helps metropolitan councils improve the liveability of our city through increased greenery, reduced urban heat and improved natural environment.

The successful projects will increase urban green cover, create habitat for wildlife and generally improve the natural character and residential amenity of our urban environment. The projects will also help to improve community health and wellbeing by providing more opportunities for people to connect to nature.

This round of funding was doubled from $500,000 to $1 million to help provide some economic stimulus in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

By increasing the amount of funding available, we are getting projects off the ground that otherwise wouldn’t happen and ensuring local councils are able to continue the important work of greening metropolitan Adelaide.

The Greener Neighbourhood Grants Program is worth $2 million over four years to support metropolitan councils to keep Adelaide’s suburban streets green and cool.

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