The Urban Landcare Award is a new award that forms part of the State Landcare Awards and is sponsored by Green Adelaide – with nine awards in total up for grabs for South Australian environmental champions.
Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said that landcare happens on regional landscapes as well as urban landscapes – it’s about people caring for their local patch of nature, and these people must be recognised and celebrated.
“Our new Urban Landcare Award is another way Green Adelaide is celebrating outstanding community groups across the state that contribute to a cooler, greener and wilder South Australia,” Professor Daniels said.
“The award is open to environmental community groups across the state who work tirelessly to promote, conserve and protect our islands of natural environment in our suburbs and regional towns.”
There are also eight other landcare award categories that South Australians can apply for, from individual environmental heroes awards, to a coast care champion groups award, as well as a junior environmentalist award. Green Adelaide along with South Australia’s other eight Landscape Boards value the efforts of the environmental volunteers and these awards are a way to commend their efforts.
Professor Daniels added that our state’s environmental volunteers are passionate groups of people from all walks of life, who make a real difference in their communities to connect people with nature, look after our wildlife and improve the state’s biodiversity.
“As well as recognising the efforts of our outstanding environmental community groups, I hope these awards inspire nature-lovers to explore options to connect with nature and prompt them to get involved with their local environmental groups,” Professor Daniels said.
“Every day I see the amazing efforts of South Australia’s community groups spending their free time delivering real benefits for our environment from maintaining our beautiful dunes along SA’s coastline, to greening our streets and open places through planting and weeding, as well as creating educational signs and delivering expert talks.
“These awards commend these outstanding efforts – as without them we wouldn’t be living in the third most liveable city in the world, and enjoy the beauty of nature across the state.”
Nominations have now closed. Visit Landcare Australia to learn more about the awards for next year. Find out about Green Adelaide's other awards.
The Green Adelaide Urban Landcare Award winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize and a trophy.
The Green Adelaide Urban Landcare Award is a partnership between Green Adelaide, the Landcare Association of South Australia and Landcare Australia.