South Australians are encouraged to record frog calls and sightings from their phones at creeks, parks and backyards between 1 and 8 June to help better understand the population and the distribution across the state.

Limnodynastes dumerilii
Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii.

Green Adelaide and the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board are partnering on the FrogWatch Seasonal Census to encourage citizen science and gather frog data in the first week of every season – starting with this winter.

Amphibians are the world’s most endangered group of animals. More than 41% of the world’s amphibian species are currently threatened with extinction. Data like frog call recordings are crucial to monitoring their population. A recent review of the state’s frog call recordings highlighted that everyday people contribute this data in large numbers to perfectly complement government monitoring programs.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels encourages everyone interested to take part in the census and get involved in citizen science.

"Frogs are a vital part of many of our ecosystems. They're a natural pest controller by eating insects, and an important food source for their predators," Chris said.

"They're also a great indicator of ecosystems. They're sensitive to pollution, so if we find their numbers decreasing in an area, it's a sign that the whole ecosystem is in trouble.

"You don’t have to be an expert to contribute to science! Anyone with a smart phone or computer can record frog calls via the FrogSpotter smartphone app or FrogWatch SA website. You'll be helping us understand how frogs and their ecosystems are tracking."

Data will be analysed by experts to monitor frog populations and health. Uploads to the FrogSpotter app or website are added to state and national databases to be used by scientists, ecologists and conservation experts. FrogWatch SA will share the amount of frog calls achieved and interesting findings they gain from the data.

South Australians can get started at the FrogWatch SA website.

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