Breakout Creek construction works are on the home stretch, with the site just weeks away from re-opening and having public access restored. Find out what’s been happening, when the gates are likely to come down, and what’s still to do afterwards.

It’s well and truly mid-year – and that was meant to mean one thing: the redeveloped end of Breakout Creek, at the westernmost end of Adelaide’s River Torrens/Karrawirra Pari, would be re-opened.

Heavy winter rains certainly put a dampener on some of the project’s timelines, particularly since rain doesn’t play nicely with laying asphalt and constructing a bridge over high waters.

But drier days in the past week or so have meant that we’ve been able to make some big progress on the big-ticket items, as we transform the site from an artificial channel to a more natural waterway.

The site is a flurry of activity as we enter the final weeks of construction before gates are expected to come down in August.

At that point, access will be restored for visitors, who will be able to see first-hand as the remaining works are undertaken over the coming months.

In the meantime, take a look at what’s been going on in the compound since our last update:

Low level river crossing

River crossing

The new pedestrian bridge has now been constructed, which will give visitors easy access between the north and south side of the river.

Located about halfway between Seaview Road and Tapleys Hill Road, the footbridge spans 35 m, is 2.5 m wide and is fully wheelchair accessible.

It is designed without handrails and just small kick rails each side to ensure that it doesn’t obstruct the flow of water and other debris, like tree branches, from flowing down the river in heavy rains. This not only helps to protect the river from blockages, but also minimises the risk of damage to the bridge.

Recent wet weather impacted the timing of the bridge’s construction, as water levels rose so high that it was impossible to connect the new steel deck structure to the foundation piles until the rain eased.

New pathways and lighting

Asphalting and lights

Freshly asphalted paths are making a big visual difference to the site, formalising access between the new elements and design features.

More than half of the paths have now been asphalted, and the rest are due for completion in the next 2 weeks – provided dry days outnumber rainy ones. After that, there’s line-marking to do and signs to be installed too.

All of the asphalted paths will be fully accessible and are shared-use – so start dusting off your bikes.

New lighting has also been installed, all we need to do now is flick the switch.

Horse agistment paddocks

Horse agistment paddocks

The new horse agistment areas are an impressive feature of the redeveloped site.

Stretching along nearly 800 m of the southern riverbank, the paddocks have been stylishly designed using white cypress pine fencing.

The area has been hydroseeded with a pasture grass mix, which will take some time to grow before the horses can return.

Viewing platform

Visitor facilities

Picnic tables are now in place under the 5 new shelters, and seating has been installed at most of the newly built viewing platforms located throughout the site. They’re looking fantastic and will be a great place for you to rest while exploring the area.

Still to come…

Weed removal, installation of signage, line-marking and installation of handrails are some of the other works still underway.

All of the new plants are in, but bear in mind that these all take time to develop – so what you see when the site re-opens will be our garden beds in their infancy.

After the gates come down, there’s still the elevated boardwalk to be installed, which will link visitors to the neighbouring Apex Park. It’s already been fabricated off-site, but installation at Breakout Creek will begin later in the year in drier weather.

The 9 Kaurna artworks will also be placed on site in the coming months.

Stay tuned…

The construction and project teams have been working feverishly towards re-opening the site, to restore access for locals and visitors.

We sincerely thank our neighbours and the wider community for continuing to be patient during the redevelopment, and as the timelines have extended.

Be among the first to know when Breakout Creek reopens by signing up to our mailing list.

The project is a $18.7 million partnership between Green Adelaide, the City of Charles Sturt, the City of West Torrens, the South Australian Department for Trade and Investment through the Planning and Development Fund, the Australian Government through the Environment Restoration Fund, and SA Water. The project is committed to working with the Traditional Owners of the Adelaide plains, the Kaurna people.

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