More than half a million dollars is up for grabs for individuals, community groups, businesses, schools and councils to deliver projects that help look after our water resources across metropolitan Adelaide.

Raingarden Gilbert Street
The grants support projects such as raingardens that collect and filter stormwater

The Water Sustainability Grants, funded by Green Adelaide, are for innovative projects that reuse stormwater to sustain streetscapes, improve flood management, and help increase the use of recycled water to create a cooler, greener and wilder capital city.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said the grants are available for everyone in metropolitan Adelaide to help protect, enhance and restore Adelaide’s urban waterways for our natural environment to thrive in Adelaide’s city and suburbs.

“With our climate trending towards a drier and warmer future, one of the most practical responses we can adopt is more efficient use of our water resources,” Professor Daniels said.

“Green Adelaide’s Water Sustainability Grants provide much-needed financial support for individuals, community groups, businesses, schools and councils to adopt water sensitive urban design to manage water for the benefit of the environment and community.

“We are taking a practical approach to help build a strong, climate smart economy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support South Australia to adapt to a changing climate and importantly create local jobs for the future. This funding program is just another example of this.”

In 2020-21, Green Adelaide’s Water Sustainability Grants funded more than $1.2 million towards nine projects that are now increasing green cover in suburban parks, and using stormwater for park watering across metropolitan Adelaide.

The grants can help make better use of Adelaide’s stormwater, as well as improve the quality of stormwater that flows out to sea through our creeks and rivers.

“The grants also support projects like delivering large-scale raingardens along our streets, building more green infrastructure to help clean stormwater, creating innovative solutions to minimise water loss, and delivering training to build capacity to deliver more water sustainability projects,” Professor Daniels said.

“Water sensitive urban design is one of the seven environmental priorities of Green Adelaide, and these grants are an example of how we are helping deliver on that priority for metropolitan Adelaide’s environmental health and everyone’s long-term wellbeing.”

Applications close at 5pm on Friday 28 January 2022. For further information visit our Water Sustainability Grants web page. Green Adelaide is a South Australian Government supported organisation working to create a cooler, greener and wilder metropolitan Adelaide.

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