More than $1.2 million has been granted to projects across Adelaide to make better use of stormwater to create cooler, greener suburbs, and improve the quality of water flowing into Gulf St Vincent.

The Water Sustainability Grants, funded by Green Adelaide, will support stormwater reuse to sustain streetscapes, improve flood management, and help councils increase the use of recycled water to irrigate green space.

The grants had been awarded to six applicants representing 12 of the 17 councils in Green Adelaide being Adelaide, Burnside (on behalf of the eight *Resilient East councils), Marion (on behalf of the four +Resilient South councils), Mitcham, Norwood Payneham & St Peters, and Tea Tree Gully.

With our climate trending towards a drier and warmer future, one of the most practical responses we can adopt is to work towards a greener, cooler city through better use of stormwater as a resource.

Green Adelaide’s Water Sustainability Grants are focused on helping councils increase and improve the city’s green spaces and the creation of a cooler, biodiverse urban environment that’s more resilient to climate change.

Green Adelaide Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said this year’s grants would fund work to increase green cover in suburban parks and the use of stormwater for park watering. He said the grants would also assist groups of councils cooperate across boundaries in developing responses to climate change, including stormwater management and reuse.

“From the beginning, Green Adelaide’s intent is to work with and support the existing efforts and capabilities of local government, environmental NGOs and other community organisations. The Water Sustainability Grants are an excellent example of this approach.”

“A $374,000 grant to the City of Mitcham will contribute to work on the Pasadena Biodiversity Corridor, an innovative project to build the biodiversity, sustainability and amenity of three linked reserves. It will bring underground stormwater flows above ground through vegetated swales with pool and riffle elements, basins and soakage trenches.

“At Modbury North, the City of Tea Tree Gully will use a $275,000 grant to divert, capture, detain and treat stormwater before it enters the stormwater system as part of the Montague Road Reserve Water Management and Revegetation Project. The project will improve stormwater management, increase tree canopy cover and biodiversity, and improve wildlife corridors.”

*Resilient East is a partnership involving Adelaide, Burnside, Campbelltown, Prospect, Norwood Payneham & St Peters, Tea Tree Gully, Unley, Walkerville and the SA Government.

+Resilient South is a partnership involving Holdfast Bay, Marion, Mitcham, Onkaparinga and the SA Government.

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