A five-year plan to create a cooler, greener and wilder metropolitan Adelaide has been published to set the direction for creating a thriving urban environment. Learn how you can get involved.

Community 'Cooler, Greener and Wilder' forum held at Adelaide Zoo in April 2021.

Our first five year Regional Landscape Plan sets the strategic direction for Green Adelaide between 2021 and 2026, and is supported by business plans that set the operational program each financial year. The plan was developed over six months of extensive consultation between November 2020 and April 2021.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said Green Adelaide’s vision is to create a cooler, greener, wilder and climate-resilient Adelaide that celebrates our unique culture.

“Like many cities, Adelaide is under pressures from the impacts of urban sprawl, increasing urban infill, climate change and loss of natural habitat,” Professor Daniels said.

“This plan acknowledges the interconnected relationships between land, water, sea, plants and animals, people and culture, and will help guide the balance between city life conveniences and a healthy environment.

“Our vision will be achieved through partnerships, education, influence and investment in Adelaide's people and the environment – we want everyone to get involved.

“This will help Adelaide attract not only financial investment, but also new industries, residents and visitors, and it will secure our future as a vibrant and even more liveable city.

“We will deliver several iconic on-ground projects which exemplify our vision including making Adelaide a National Park City, rewilding our natural urban places, igniting Kaurna culture and greening our streets and backyards.

“Our strategic direction was created with input from local government, experts, the Kaurna Nation and the community to integrate the types of partnerships and projects we need for the future that creates a thriving natural environment across our urban landscape.

“Let’s create a cooler, greener and wilder capital city together.”

Get involved

Green Adelaide’s Regional Landscape Plan covers the state’s 17 metropolitan council areas; from the hills to the sea. You can download a copy online.

For news and opportunities to get involved subscribe to the Green Adelaide monthly newsletter for the latest straight to your inbox.

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