Adelaide beach enthusiasts are invited to apply for the highly sought-after next Coastal Ambassadors program intake to upskill in coastal conservation and become local coastal champions.

This free seven-week course, which runs in summer every year, is designed to give people who are passionate about the coast and marine environment the skills and knowledge to take action.

The program includes expert talks, workshops and field trips, such as snorkelling and kayaking, and is open to applicants aged 18 years and above who are living across metropolitan Adelaide.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said that this is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in looking after our coast and the ocean, and who want to learn as much as they can about these environments.

“Our Coastal Ambassadors are community champions who are driven to spread the word about conserving the coast, and actively playing a role in protecting it,” Professor Daniels said.

“This is an opportunity to really immerse yourself in what Adelaide has to offer – and there is no prior knowledge needed.”

The topics covered in this year’s program include the environment and organisms of Gulf St Vincent, temperate marine ecology, intertidal coastal zones, and taking part in marine conservation.

The program is coordinated by Whale and Dolphin Conservation’s Dr. Mike Bossley and sessions are held once a week, with field trips generally on weekends.

Professor Daniels said this is a chance for passionate community members to be inspired and learn about what we have here in Adelaide.

“The Adelaide coastline is not only stunning but it’s also home to many unique plants and animals, which we’re lucky to live so closely with.”

“Few cities in the world offer the opportunity to explore a dolphin sanctuary, international bird sanctuary, coastal dunes, reefs and seagrass meadows right on their doorstep.”

Applications for the program close at 5pm on 26 November 2021. Find out how to apply.

Twenty successful applicant will be selected to be part of the 2022 program starting on 30 January.

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