A million dollars is being made available to community groups to help protect Adelaide from the impacts of a drying and warming climate by making our city’s neighbourhoods greener and cooler.


Green Adelaide’s Grassroots Grants is now open and puts one million dollars on the table for projects to improve the metro SA’s environment.

Individuals, communities, schools and volunteers can apply for a grant between $2,000 and $150,000 to create a cooler, greener, wilder and climate-resilient metropolitan Adelaide.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said, if you have an environmental project idea Green Adelaide can help turn your idea into a reality.

“The grants can be used to kick-start a new project, or build upon an existing one. You can apply for a grant for activities such as plantings, nature education, citizen science, weed and pest control, erosion management and community engagement,” Professor Daniels said.

“Adelaide’s growth and prosperity depend on local, on-ground and practical environmentally focused projects that connect people with nature, as well as tackle the challenges of a drying and warming climate.

“Last year a total of 47 projects were successful in gaining a grant to green, cool and wild Adelaide’s environment, with all of these projects now underway and communities reaping the benefits.”

As part of Green Adelaide’s Grassroots Grants program grant writing workshops will be held during May to help support the development of grant applications.

Professor Daniels added that everyone can make a difference to Adelaide’s environment and together we can create a more environmentally friendly place that supports the health and wellbeing of people and nature.

“Like many cities, Adelaide is under pressure from the impacts of urban densification, climate change and loss of natural habitat. We can all play a part to make Adelaide a cooler, greener and wilder place to live and enjoy,” Professor Daniels said.

To find out more, including grant application guidelines and upcoming grant writing workshops, visit Green Adelaide grant webpage. All potential applicants who are not legal entities will need an application sponsor from a legal entity such as a local council. Applications close on 9 June 2021.

Green Adelaide is a new government supported organisation (established in July 2020) with a vision to create a cooler, greener, wilder and climate-resilient metropolitan Adelaide, across Adelaide’s 17 metro council areas.

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