A major milestone for Adelaide’s National Park City movement has been achieved with the lodging of Adelaide’s submission. Get a closer look at the new artwork created to celebrate and find out the next steps.

Artist Lucinda Penn with Green Adelaide National Park City Project Manager Dr Sheryn Pitman, celebrating the finished artwork

Green Adelaide has submitted greater Adelaide’s application to become the next National Park City, initiating a three-week online assessment process by the global National Park City Foundation.

Adelaide’s push to become a National Park City has been a huge effort and demonstrates our city’s commitment towards more action, more connection, and more nature in our daily lives.

Green Adelaide Board Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said that being a National Park City will help inspire change to urban design and decision-making across greater Adelaide.

“It’s about inspiring everyone to come together and work towards a shared vision for a nature connected lifestyle,” Professor Daniels said.

“The push has been led by Green Adelaide, with the extra contribution of new on-ground rewilding projects such as scoping the reintroduction of platypus to the Torrens, creating a more butterfly friendly city, enhancing habitat and raising awareness about Adelaide’s raptor species, as well as street plantings.

“Being named the world’s second National Park City – a title which would be shared only with London – would also be an important recognition for South Australia and help us work together on connections between people and nature, Kaurna Yerta (Country) and community.

“The status would bring global recognition for Adelaide’s environment, attract visitors and enable more investment and interest in nature-based tourism, as well as attract more funding for innovative environmental projects. Most importantly, it will help bring people and nature closer together and lead to great benefits for the environmental health of our city.”

Adelaide’s National Park City submission has been bought to life with the beautiful artwork created by emerging artist Lucinda Penn.

New Adelaide National Park City artwork launched

Professor Daniels added that Lucinda Penn's artwork adds a fun, engaging and creative feel to our formal submission that celebrates our vibrant culture.

“We’d love to see this beautiful Adelaide National Park City artwork reproduced as murals across greater Adelaide," he said.

“These murals can help build awareness of the movement, be a great way for businesses to demonstrate their support, connect people with Adelaide’s special wildlife, and add splashes of colour throughout our city.”

21-yo artist and designer Lucinda Penn said that she really enjoyed creating the Adelaide National Park City artwork and that it is exciting to be part of an international sustainability movement.

“My piece represents Adelaide in an abstract and colourful way from the hills to the sea, from a platypus in the Torrens, to our iconic hills landscape, as well as parks and wineries and the Mall’s Balls,” Ms Penn said.

“I hope to see my artwork pop up everywhere across the city and suburbs of Adelaide to bring people together and help them connect with nature.”

Green Adelaide National Park City Project Manager Dr Sheryn Pitman said that Green Adelaide’s submission for the National Park City Foundation assessment has been a mammoth effort from many people over several months.

“We are proud to be the first city to go through the process and apply for this globally-recognised status,” Dr Pitman said.

“We are delighted with the tremendous support we have received from so many people in our community, local and state governments, and businesses. So many people want to help make greater Adelaide greener, healthier and rich with nature.

“Green Adelaide’s submission, and hopefully future status as a National Park City, will bring more attention to how liveable Adelaide is, and put our city on the global green map!”

Adelaide’s submission to be a National Park City is being assessed by the international National Park City Foundation. Adelaide’s assessment will take place from 8-24 November, with a decision expected in December 2021. To pledge your support visit: adelaidenationalparkcity.org.

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