Cooler, Greener, Wilder

Cooler, Greener, Wilder grant recipients

Our Cooler, Greener, Wilder grants program supports metropolitan councils to undertake projects that will best deliver greening outcomes, and incorporate water-sensitive and biodiversity-sensitive urban design principles.

Successful projects in Round 2 (2023-24) are:

  • City of Port Adelaide Enfield: River connections – Water quality, green space and biodiversity in Hillcrest.
  • City of Burnside: Cooler, Greener, Wilder Penfold Park.
  • City of Adelaide: Hindley Street Revitalisation.

Successful projects in Round 1 were:

  • City of Port Adelaide Enfield – A greener, cooler, and more resilient streetscape, Victoria St, Queenstown.
  • City of Holdfast Bay – The final piece of the Holdfast Bay Warriparri biodiversity corridor, Shannon Avenue.
  • City of Marion – Alawoona Reserves raingarden, Mitchell Park.
  • City of Charles Sturt – Living streets, Renown Park.
  • City of Mitcham – Smart stormwater and biodiversity corridor, Pasadena.
  • City of Adelaide – The Creek of Cultural Connection, eastern Adelaide Park Lands.
  • City of Salisbury – Railway corridor rehabilitation, Pooraka.

Learn more about our Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program.